Division sum complications challenge short-term memory further.
Accuracy and speed establish memory skills.
Visualization range and accuracy levels will reach a peak.
Listening skills are sharpened further.
Concentration of high quality will be at the peak.

8th Level
Speed in writing and speed in calculations reach a peak.
Division sums bring in new challenges.
Over all Concentration, Visualization and Listening skills strengthen further.
The students would become highly skilled and the skills could be practiced and made Life time skills.
Addition and subtraction
Abacus: 3, 4 - Digit ( 15 rows ); 5, 6 - Digit ( 9 rows )
Mental: 3 - Digits ( 7rows ) (with and without decimals)
Multipication: 2 - Digits by 2 – Digits (Mental); 3 - Digits by 2 - Digits
Division: 3 / 4 - Digits by 2 – Digits; (Mental) 5 -Digits by 3 / 2 Digits (Abacus & Mental)
Level completion certificate
Will be issued immediately from the date successful completion of the Level, after completing the work in the prescribed books. The level would take at least 3 months to complete.