Fixing images and constantly changing images for the duration of time they remain before disappearing.
Concentration skills further strengthen. The skill becomes available on demand for the child, which is not easy and normal for an untrained child.
Computation manipulating the mental images of the sliders/colours enables the speed to advance, the speed in calculation reaches a new phase, though for mental computation the level is only a starting point.
Listening based calculations is initiated and Listening becomes skill that starts in the level.
Finger movement exercise becomes more intense.
Brain stimulation – nerve ends of fingers through hands both the left and right brains are stimulated and activated.

3rd Level
Speed Writing (skill) strengthened further.
Playing with the numbers writing in varying orders.
Introduced to Listening based calculations aimed to improve listening skills.
More digits, more rows of numbers and more calculation involving more images.
Visualization (skill) practice taken to next level.
Addition and subtraction
Abacus: 2 - Digit ( 5 rows ); 3 - Digit ( 3 / 4 rows )
Mental: 1 / 2 - Digit ( 5 rows ); Multiplication: 1- Digit by 1-Digit (Mental)
Level completion certificate
Will be issued immediately from the date successful completion of the Level, after completing the work in the prescribed books. The level would take at least 3 months to complete.