Speed writing which is an all-level practice attains a matured phase.
Decimal calculations bring in strongerchallenge and accomplishment possibilities.
Listening skills strengthen further.

7th Level
Decimal sums calculations bring in new challenges to concentration and speed.
Practice in the level strengthens both the skills – concentration and speed.
Listening based calculations strengthen Listening skills.
Addition and subtraction
Abacus: 2, 3, 4 - Digit ( 15 rows ) (with and without decimals); 5 - Digit ( 7, 8 rows )
Mental: 2 - Digit ( 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 rows); 2, 3 - Digit ( 8 rows )
Multiplication: 4 - Digit by 1- Digit (Mental); 2 - Digit by 2 – Digit (Abacus & Mental)
Division: 5 - Digit by 1- Digit (Mental); 3 / 4 - Digits by 2 – Digits (Abacus & Mental)
Level completion certificate
Will be issued immediately from the date successful completion of the Level, after completing the work in the prescribed books. The level would take at least 3 months to complete.