Range of Visualization of colour images enhances to multiple slots multiple slider/images.
Accomplishment of more complex tasks develops into Self-confidence and over all improvement in the brains skills – Concentration, VizualiSation and Listening, leading to faster calculations, striking accuracy.

4th Level
Concentration skills strengthen appreciably.
Increased speed in Fingering Exercise results in speed in calculation.
Visualization skills stretch further and the range increases.
Addition and subtraction
Abacus: 2 - Digit ( 6, 7 rows ); 1, 2 - Digit ( 8 rows ); 1, 2 ,3 - Digit ( 7 rows ); 3 - Digit ( 4, 5 rows )
Mental: 1- Digit ( 7, 8 rows ); Multiplication: 2 - Digit by 1- Digit (Abacus & Mental)
Level completion certificate
Will be issued immediately from the date successful completion of the Level, after completing the work in the prescribed books. The level would take at least 3 months to complete.