Increased Visualization Ranges develop showing signs of strong imaging skills, which are essential for the Memory to become strong.
Increase in complexity of tasks tempers the brain skills further.
The practice in the level exposes the child to Challenge-success cycles, thus establishing the Self-confidence.

6th Level
More complicated calculations strengthen better concentration skills for faster and accurate image manipulations.
Memory skills strengthens further.
Addition and subtraction
Abacus: 1, 2, 3, 4 - Digits ( 12 rows ); 5 - Digits ( 5, 6 rows ); (Mental) 2 - Digits ( 6, 7, 8 rows )
Multiplication: 3 - Digit by 1- Digit; (Mental) 4 - Digit by 1- Digit (Abacus & Mental)
Division: 4 - Digit by 1- Digit; (Mental) 5 - Digit by 1- Digit (Abacus & Mental)
Level completion certificate
Will be issued immediately from the date successful completion of the Level, after completing the work in the prescribed books. The level would take at least 3 months to complete.